Attention all OT biz owners who are a *bit tired* 
of living in constant overwhelm.

Step away from hustle mode and into increased profits and time freedom - without losing your unique OT heart and roots.

The 100K Club Mastermind is your ticket outta overwhelm.


Attention all OT biz owners who are a *bit tired* 
of living in constant overwhelm.

Step away from hustle mode and into increased profits and time freedom - without losing your unique OT heart and roots.

The 100K Club Mastermind is your ticket outta overwhelm.

occupational therapist coaching

You love what you do. But deep down you’ve questioned if starting an OT biz was a good idea - or if you’re not cut out for entrepreneurship after all.  

Maybe thoughts like these have crossed your mind ...  

➝ “I’m working too hard and not getting paid enough. I did NOT sign up for this.”

➝ “I love my clients and therapists… but this business is running me into the ground. I’m not sure how much longer I can do this.”

HOLD UP. Give yourself credit for making it through the start-up phase. You go hard everyday, serving your clients and supporting your staff. Building a business is no small feat. 

And yet, everyday you feel a bit more behind and overwhelmed. You know you need to figure out the org chart, structure, delegation, marketing, finances, and more. You have loads of information, but you’re not sure how to get to the next level. 

When you sit down to work ON your business, your mind races. You scan the sticky notes covering your walls and endless emails… but you have no idea where to start. Your laptop (and brain) have too many tabs open. 

You know you should delegate, but your process is a mess. You have no time to train someone else to take it over anyway. 

You’re a team player, so you agree to all kinds of things you don’t have time for…

βœ” Cover the front desk? Sure!

βœ” Clean the bathrooms? Not afraid to get my hands dirty!

βœ” Schedule a client in your CEO time? It’s ok, I’ll fit them in!

βœ” Answer client questions? No problem!

βœ” Social Media? Got it!

You KNOW this isn’t sustainable… but change can be scary.
At least the business monster you’ve created is familiar.

Have any of these thoughts crept into your head as you lie awake at night ... 

Does being a CEO mean giving up patient care and becoming totally disconnected?

What will my OG therapists think if I give them extra work and responsibilities?

KPIs? That sounds so stuffy and corporate.

I don’t want to be *that boss* setting unreasonable expectations while sitting in the back office.

In your heart, you want to create an impactful, profitable, and enjoyable OT business.

One that exceeds the standard of care and provides fulfilling careers for your team… while allowing you space to take time off and pursue your passions.

So you keep going. You research, read books, and even connect with a business mentor through a local program… Yet, it hasn’t brought your business to a place where it can run without your constant attention.

πŸ‘πŸΌ You don’t need more information.

OTs are excellent researchers. Loads of knowledge and ideas live inside your head already. Another course or training won’t change your situation.

make more money as an ot

Here’s what does get you out of overwhelm ...

  • SPECIFIC GUIDANCE ~ personalized, step-by-step instructions for your business.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY ~ someone veeeeery invested in your success and progress.
  • COMMUNITY ~ surround yourself with supportive, ambitious OT business owners headed in the same direction as you are.

I’ve been through this hustle phase of business growth (twice) and I’m ready to ensure you don’t stay stuck here.

In case we haven’t met yet…

Hey OT, it’s Trish!

Relatable and ever-honest Canadian OT, business coach, and the woman CEO behind OTs Get Paid and Trish Williams Consulting.

I’m obsessed with helping OT entrepreneurs do what they love, serve others, and make great money doing it.

Why do I care about getting you mo’ money? Because pay inequity is a long-time professional and societal issue — and I’m taking action!

This goes beyond the money too. Your income gives you more freedom, autonomy, safety, and the opportunity to make an impact in your community and the world.

Throughout my years of 1:1 coaching with OTs, I heard strong, talented OT business owners share how they felt overwhelmed, underprepared, and almost ready to throw in the towel.

They needed clear guidance, tools, and support to bring their incredible businesses from the pits of overwhelm to — profitable and scaling. But they weren’t finding solutions elsewhere.

I knew I had to help more OTs overcome these obstacles and become the visionary leaders they were born to be — but there weren’t more hours in each day. Which meant I had to step up and create something new to serve the OT community.

Which leads us to the opportunity to transform your OT business into one that aligns with your big dreams…

Trish Williams OT Coach
Trish Williams


The 100K Club Mastermind

group coaching for OTs

A 6-month mastermind-level, group coaching experience for OT business owners who want to work less, get paid what they’re worth and expand their impact beyond the clinic walls

A 6-month mastermind-level, group coaching experience for OT business owners who want to work less, get paid what they’re worth and expand their impact beyond the clinic walls


Here’s what you’ll accomplish in the months ahead ...

Cultivate your mindset & skills

to become the visionary leader that your business needs — without losing your roots as a treating clinician.

Identify key opportunities

vs shiny objects to generate income without giving away more of your time.

Create a company culture

your therapists love while also implementing measurable outcomes and expectations for employees. (Yes… both are possible!)

Create a business

that not only supports your employees, but also provides you time and money for your passion projects. 

And here’s the proven method that guides your growth …

The OTs Get Paid Framework
- Clarity - Profit - Impact -

These 3 pillars apply to your specific situation during The 100K Club Mastermind so you know exactly what steps to take first and next.  Let’s take a closer look at them:

Make more money as an OT


Understand where your business is now, your goals, and your needs so your next steps are crystal clear.

  • Map out your unique strategy and roadmap for success.
  • Carve out time to work ON your business and learn how to make it an income driver.
  • Delegate and systematize to benefit your employees, clients, and increase your bottom line.

Walk away with a step-by-step plan to get where you want to be — streamlined, profitable, and impactful.

Make more money as an OT


It’s about profit… and it’s also about buying back your time - because you deserve it!

  • Understand your business finances (reeeeally understand them so Quickbooks and CPAs are no longer intimidating.)
  • Implement a marketing and sales strategy that doesn’t take your time or require dancing on IG.
  • Take a deep dive into efficient operations. Move beyond the paper calendar and sticky notes to streamline and automate — giving you time for higher-level tasks.

Breathe a deep sigh of relief with your finances, marketing, sales, and ops systematized. Future you is no longer receiving text messages about every schedule change and reimbursement question.

Make more money as an OT


You didn’t start your business to play small and punch a time clock… your dreams and aspirations extend beyond your clinic. Let’s work toward those lofty goals - without running yourself into the ground.

  • Find your zone of genius so you can do what you love (and what drives business growth) and uncover staff zones of genius as well.
  • Analyze ALL the hours you work (including the sneaky, off-the-clock hours) and identify the money-making impact drivers.
  • Dream big — we’ll connect your business, passions, and life mission to make those dreams and desires become reality.

Love what you do, serve others, and make great money doing it. This amplifies your impact locally and world-wide. Research proves that money in the hands of women improves families, communities, and beyond.

That’s why I’m so passionate about getting more money in your business and bank account.

You’ve laid the foundation. You know what got you here won’t get you to where you can take worry-free time off AND get paid more than a base clinical salary. 

But it IS possible with the right guidance specific to your business.

grow your OT business

Masterminds have more than online courses ~ way more. 

Here’s where the real magic happens ...


Responsive to your business questions and situations.

πŸ‘‘ Hot seat coaching.
πŸ‘‘ Deep dive into a sticky situation.
πŸ‘‘ Expanding on topics and how to apply them.

Speed bumps, challenges, and growing pains are inevitable when scaling your business. In this high-level mastermind, you’re surrounded by smart, motivated, impact-driven business owners. You’ll tap into an abundance of wisdom and insight during these calls - from Trish and your peers. We’re better together.


Have you ever found yourself waiting for “the perfect time” to take action in your business because you have too many options and they all seem urgent? Then you’re in the right place.

Accountability is *key* when it comes to taking action and getting results, otherwise, it’s far too easy to keep gathering data and information… for-ev-er.

Goodbye analysis paralysis, hello action.

πŸ’₯ Shiny objects? Falling back into hustle mode? Not with me by your side.
πŸ’₯ Accountability that’s like a warm hug and a swift kick in the rear all wrapped into one.
πŸ’₯ Monthly personal check-in - we’ll make sure you’re on track for those big goals and re-jig the plan as needed when life throws a curveball.

I’m invested in your business AND personal success. Leveling up is challenging - I’m right by your side to keep you going.


 πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ This is the secret sauce that’s often overlooked and underestimated.

Ask questions, get feedback, collaborate, and problem-solve in the private community instead of getting bombarded in public Facebook groups. You don’t have to make all the mistakes, it’s ok to learn from others.

Being the leader of a company and “the boss” can get lonely. Surround yourself with business owners who get it and can provide business-bestie-level support — now and for years to come.
This mastermind is flexible enough to meet your needs and robust enough to help you transition into a visionary leader with a streamlined, profitable business.


Responsive to your business questions and situations.

πŸ‘‘ Hot seat coaching.
πŸ‘‘ Deep dive into a sticky situation.
πŸ‘‘ Expanding on topics and how to apply them.

Speed bumps, challenges, and growing pains are inevitable when scaling your business. In this high-level mastermind, you’re surrounded by smart, motivated, impact-driven business owners. You’ll tap into an abundance of wisdom and insight during these calls - from Trish and your peers. We’re better together.


Have you ever found yourself waiting for “the perfect time” to take action in your business because you have too many options and they all seem urgent? Then you’re in the right place.

Accountability is *key* when it comes to taking action and getting results, otherwise, it’s far too easy to keep gathering data and information… for-ev-er.

Goodbye analysis paralysis, hello action.

πŸ’₯ Shiny objects? Falling back into hustle mode? Not with me by your side.
πŸ’₯ Accountability that’s like a warm hug and a swift kick in the rear all wrapped into one.
πŸ’₯ Monthly personal check-in - we’ll make sure you’re on track for those big goals and re-jig the plan as needed when life throws a curveball.

I’m invested in your business AND personal success. Leveling up is challenging - I’m right by your side to keep you going.


 πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ This is the secret sauce that’s often overlooked and underestimated.

Ask questions, get feedback, collaborate, and problem-solve in the private community instead of getting bombarded in public Facebook groups. You don’t have to make all the mistakes, it’s ok to learn from others.

Being the leader of a company and “the boss” can get lonely. Surround yourself with business owners who get it and can provide business-bestie-level support — now and for years to come.
This mastermind is flexible enough to meet your needs and robust enough to help you transition into a visionary leader with a streamlined, profitable business.

And to top it all off,

we're adding these Bonuses …


[VALUE: $495]

Indecision and analysis-paralysis - be gone!

Tackle a pressing, frustrating piece of your business with a 20-minute power-coaching session with Trish.

This no-nonsense, laser-focused call gives you a quick win in business and sets your mastermind experience off on the right foot. Often, during these calls, we figure out how to untangle you from a time-sucking task - which makes participating in the mastermind more feasible, and profitable.


[VALUE: $795]

We curate these monthly trainings based on the needs of the group… so they’re sure to be relevant and timely. This is another example of the difference between a mastermind and a typical course — masterminds are responsive to your needs.

Don’t waste time sifting through webinars, freebies, and blogs. Benefit from Trish’s business experience as well as outside experts. No matter what challenge you’re facing, we’ll find the right resources to help you tackle it.


Let’s level about pricing…

Outside the OT bubble, the price of this Mastermind would be an easy 10K- without the 1:1 accountability and bonus trainings. With an expert coach, knowing your biz inside and out, the investment would jump to 20K.

How do we know?

Because I’ve researched and even participated in some of these 20K+ programs. I’m bringing the best-of-the-best business building solutions to you - and filtering it through the OT lens in a way only another OT can.

Coaching for Occupational Therapists

What exactly is inside The 100K Club Mastermind?


  • Business Boosting Education (3 Core Modules with 12 Lessons)
  • Transformative Group Coaching (Weekly, 90-minute calls)
  • Personal Accountability Check-ins with Trish each month
  • Community of Rock-star OT Biz Owners
  • Six months to learn, implement and grow
  • BONUS 1: Quick-win laser-coaching kickoff call
  • BONUS 2: An additional targeted training each month


Schedule a free Clarity Call to get started. 


6 Monthly Payments of $900 USD



Single Payment of $4,979 USD


In case you’re curious, here are a few takeaways from previous members:

"I started seeing trends, making more informed decisions, and being more strategic. I uncovered more clarity around my why."

~ Heather

“The 100K Club made me feel better about not having everything figured out myself - I realized others struggle with business issues too. It's a normal experience.” 

~ Karlien

Is the 100K Club Mastermind right for you?

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably the right OT for the mastermind. Check out the details below and then book a clarity call to get started.  

Mentorship program for OTs

The 100K Club Mastermind is perfect
for you if ...

 Are the founder or owner of an OT business. You’re bringing in money and juggling schedules, platforms, marketing, and more.

βœ” Hit the glass ceiling when it comes to your time. And your health and sanity are starting to suffer from being stuck in the hamster wheel.

βœ” Hard work doesn’t scare you off - it’s how you’ve made it this far. Now you’re ready to get your time back, but you’re realizing you can’t do it alone.

βœ” You block time on your schedule to work ON your business… but when you sit down at your desk you’re not sure where to start.

βœ” Know you can serve more people, pay your therapists more, and have a greater impact in your community if you could just sort things out.

βœ” Realize you can’t do this alone and you want someone to tell you exactly what to do to get unstuck.

This mastermind isn't for everyone. It may not be beneficial if you ...

✘ Want to start your first business, or you’re in the beginning stages of business ownership. (Check out our Road to 100K program instead if this is you!)

✘ Don’t want your business to grow. (Not to be confused with being slightly terrified at the idea of massive growth and change… that’s totally normal and something we can work with.)

✘ Don’t jive with all this female biz empowerment stuff. (We’re focused on those who identify as female or have any lived experience as a woman - all are welcome here.)

✘ Refuse to outsource and don’t want to make changes in your business - this mastermind is for growth-minded OTs who are ready to be challenged and stretched.

Grow your OT business

Is overwhelm a constant companion? 

Running your business is no longer light and fun, it’s exhausting and frustrating. You know you need different tools, knowledge, or capacity before your business goes upside down. 

If you’ve considered closing your doors and walking away - you’re not alone. This is the tipping point in business, the oh-so-common messy middle. All successful business owners find themselves here just before they scale or fail. 

The messy middle is an unbearable place to be - let’s get you outta there stat. 


How one OT described the 100K Club experience ...

“Being in the group gave me the confidence and permission to act on the ideas I had and what I thought I needed to do. I had support and a team behind me."

grow your OT business

You’ve built this business from the ground up, and anything you invest your time and money into needs to pay off.

That’s why this is an interactive mastermind where you get guidance, accountability, support, so you leave with a transformed business (and life).

Which brings us to the 100K Club Mastermind Guarantee:

If you take part in 2 months of the mastermind (including attending 80% of the calls and training) and you experience NO increase in your profit or clarity — we wouldn’t feel right keeping your money. You can ask for a full refund.

I’ve helped hundreds of OT businesses streamline and grow using the proprietary OTs Get Paid Framework. I’m confident we can get results for you as well.

Oh, one more promise before you scroll on…

Becoming the CEO won’t change who you are at your core or the heart you have for your therapists, employees, or clients. I promise you can step into this role, lead your company, establish expectations, and empower your staff to achieve great things. You won’t become “that boss” or disconnected from the day-to-day operations.

That’s just one of the reasons this mastermind is unique. We bring the OT perspective and foundation into business growth — and you better believe it’s client-centered, ethical, and strengths-based.

make more money as an OT

Empowering OTs is what I do.

Hey, Trish Williams here.

If we haven’t met yet, I’m the OTs Get Paid lady. I’m also a mom, choir nerd, Canadian, OT, Enneagram 2w3 (helper-achiever), and your right-hand woman during the 100K Club Mastermind where you streamline, scale, and reclaim your time and freedom.

Building an OT business is no easy task — and you’ve done it through sheer determination, passion, and a whole lotta late nights, right?

I’ve been there too, “living the dream” while simultaneously trying to hold it all together and take an occasional vacation without checking my email. I didn’t build either of my OT businesses to keep myself trapped and broke - and I’m guessing you didn’t either.

I’ve been an OT for almost 3 decades. During that time I’ve started and scaled a clinic, closed it, sold it, and built and scaled an online OT business. I’ve been around the business block and learned lessons the hard way so you don’t have to.

(I also understand the power of business coaching. Inside, I bring everything I’ve learned into this group so you can benefit from it too!)

You’ll hear the complete and honest truth about your business - but I’ll wrap it in Enneagram 2 and Canadian nice because that’s who I am.

Time and time again I hear OT business owners say, “Just tell me exactly what I need to do to get out of this mess! I have loads of information and I’m swamped. I don’t know where to start.”

If that πŸ‘†πŸΌ sounds familiar, then you’re in the right place. My specialty is helping busy OT business owners increase profits and start enjoying business ownership again!

You’ll have a cheerleader and a challenger as we clarify what your business needs to thrive - which may not be what you initially think.

Your first step to business growth and reclaiming your time is to book a call.
We’ll chat and make sure this is an excellent fit for your situation.


Frequently Asked Questions

"I’m doing this to get out of feast or famine mode and create a solid, enjoyable business!”

~ Kelly Carino

Ready to Join The 100K Club Mastermind?


  • 12 Course Trainings
  • Weekly, 90-minute group coaching calls
  • Accountability check-ins with Trish each month
  • Private mastermind community
  • Six-month access & participation
  • BONUS 1: Quick-win kickoff call with Trish
  • BONUS 2: A relevant bonus training each month - responsive to your needs


Schedule your initial Clarity Call with Trish now.


6 Monthly Payments of $900 USD



Single Payment of $4,979 USD


You can keep chugging along on your own…

or you can accelerate and simplify your business growth.

πŸ’ͺ Keep pushing forward and piecing together free resources online


The 100K Club Mastermind

Putting on a brave face while actually feeling shame and guilt because you’re barely holding it together as a business owner.

And some days you even consider throwing in the towel.


Realizing that other business owners who seem to “have it all together” are actually dealing with all the same problems and feelings.

Join forces and work through those problems together. Be surrounded by people who understand and can lift you up when you’re down.

Gathering endless data and resources like a squirrel preparing for winter … only to forget where they’re stored or what they’re meant for.


Having a clear, step-by-step roadmap to follow with just the right amount of information to take action and make positive changes in your business.

Consuming content and making lists… but never having time to take action on all your ideas.

Lack of accountability and an unclear path = analysis paralysis and overwhelm.


Have a focused roadmap and accountability to take action and make changes that benefit your business, your employees, and your own health and wellness.

Keep doing all the tasks, or toss tasks to a team member who isn’t prepared - which only reinforces your fear of delegating.


Learn how to select the right person, create systems, and empower them to succeed so you can delegate and watch your employees thrive.

Join groups with people in a variety of business phases and stages - causing you to wade through the “beginner stuff” that’s no longer relevant.


Weekly meetings with like-minded OTs who are past the honeymoon phase of business and into the weeds like you. Collaborate on problems, projects, and share resources.

The connections last long past the mastermind too — they’re your new business besties and people to go to when the going gets tough.

Keep hustling and working longer hours, trying to “figure it out” or make painfully slow progress in your business.


A LOT can happen in 6 months. With me by your side and your 100K Club OTs in your community, I guarantee to intimately know your business and have you headed in the right direction to crush your goals and have a business that’s fun to run again.

You can keep chugging along on your own…

or you can accelerate and simplify your business growth.

πŸ’ͺ Keep pushing together and piecing together free resources online

VS β†΄

πŸ™Œ The 100K Club Mastermind


πŸ’ͺ Putting on a brave face while actually feeling shame and guilt because you’re barely holding it together as a business owner.

And some days you even consider throwing in the towel.

VS β†΄

πŸ™Œ Realizing that other business owners who seem to “have it all together” are actually dealing with all the same problems and feelings.

Join forces and work through those problems together. Be surrounded by people who understand and can lift you up when you’re down.

πŸ’ͺ Gathering endless data and resources like a squirrel preparing for winter … only to forget where they’re stored or what they’re meant for.

VS β†΄

πŸ™Œ Having a clear, step-by-step roadmap to follow with just the right amount of information to take action and make positive changes in your business.

πŸ’ͺ Consuming content and making lists… but never having time to take action on all your ideas.

Lack of accountability and an unclear path = analysis paralysis and overwhelm.

VS β†΄

πŸ™Œ Have a focused roadmap and accountability to take action and make changes that benefit your business, your employees, and your own health and wellness.

πŸ’ͺ Keep doing all the tasks, or toss tasks to a team member who isn’t prepared - which only reinforces your fear of delegating.

VS β†΄

πŸ™Œ Learn how to select the right person, create systems, and empower them to succeed so you can delegate and watch your employees thrive.

Join groups with people in a variety of business phases and stages - causing you to wade through the “beginner stuff” that’s no longer relevant.

VS β†΄

πŸ™Œ Weekly meetings with like-minded OTs who are past the honeymoon phase of business and into the weeds like you. Collaborate on problems, projects, and share resources.

The connections last long past the mastermind too — they’re your new business besties and people to go to when the going gets tough.

πŸ’ͺ Keep hustling and working longer hours, trying to “figure it out” or make painfully slow progress in your business.

VS β†΄

πŸ™Œ A LOT can happen in 6 months. With me by your side and your 100K Club OTs in your community, I guarantee to intimately know your business and have you headed in the right direction to crush your goals and have a business that’s fun to run again.

Here's how one OT explained it ...

“Building a business is like playing Jenga - in the beginning, it’s easy to pull pieces out and build your tower taller… but by the time you get to the end, one wrong move will make the whole thing implode on itself and collapse. It gets really scary to start moving the pieces after a certain point.”

What got you here, won’t get you there… and you don’t have to keep hustling.

I’ll even go as far as to say you deserve to step away from hustle and create a business that supports your life and generates an excellent income.

The stats are not in your favor as a woman business owner either - we live in a distressingly unbalanced world.

group coaching for occupational therapists

Here’s some data for you to consider:

😡 For every dollar a man earns, women earn 54-79 cents.

😡 Women are 80% more likely to be impoverished in retirement than men.

😡 Only 2% of women-founded businesses ever reach the $1 million mark for annual revenue.

Playing small, overworking yourself, and undercharging for your expertise not only hurts you and your family - it contributes to the narrative that women aren’t successful in business.

I’m here to help you bust that myth and break the glass ceiling, bringing your whole team up with you as you rise.

The 100K Club Mastermind is open for enrollment… we’re not pretending to close the doors or asking you to make an impulsive decision. That’s not how we do business. (And we know you’d see right through it if we tried.)

One thing is certain - what got you to this level of business won’t get you over the hump and into the next stage. The phone is ringing, schedules are filling, and you’re running from task to task all day long.

You’ve brought your business this far with grit, determination, and hard work. And if you’re like the other 100K Club Mastermind OTs you’re also tired, frustrated, and starting to burn out.

If you’re looking for the “perfect time” to join, you’ll never find it. There will always be one reason or another that you could wait… but waiting won’t help you overcome the frustration, isolation, and worry you’re dealing with right now.

Now is the time to take action and stop the hustle, shake off the overwhelm, and create a business that supports your life and the lives of your staff. Inside, you get a guide, supportive community, and step-by-step roadmap specific to your business to ensure you succeed.

One more thing before you go, OT to OT…

I know this is a tough decision - your time and money are precious resources and I don’t take it lightly that you’re considering investing in this mastermind.

I believe in the power of strong women CEOs (even if you don’t want to claim that title yet, it’s ok.) I want nothing more than to see your business grow, scale, and surpass your expectations - providing for you, your family, and your team in a way you hardly dare to dream of right now.

You deserve to stop running yourself ragged and barely paying yourself. It’s time to turn this business into an income-generating, impact-making machine.

You’re working too hard and not getting paid enough - I’m certain of that. It’s time to flip the script so your hard work pays off and you get your time and freedom back.

Let’s make your big, bold vision a reality - there’s no better time than now to start!


“I needed to level up the infrastructure — to get a strategic plan, KPIs, time management, CEO time , and learn to delegate effectively. I loved the templates provided in the 100K Club.”

~ Monica

Here’s A Recap of Everything Included

  • 12 Course Trainings
  • Weekly, 90-minute group coaching calls
  • Accountability check-ins with Trish each month
  • Private mastermind community
  • Six-month access & participation
  • BONUS 1: Quick-win kickoff call with Trish
  • BONUS 2: A relevant bonus training each month - responsive to your needs


Get started today with a free Clarity Call


6 Monthly Payments of $900 USD



Single Payment of $4,979 USD

mentorship program for OTs

This business is NOT going to get the best of you.

You have what it takes to become the leader and CEO.

Transforming your business into something that allows you to work less, earn more, and create space for a fulfilling life outside of work is possible.