Gain Clarity In Your Occupational Therapy Business to Increase Your Income and Impact in 2024.

Starting and running a business as an OT entrepreneur sure is an adventure – sometimes exhilarating, and other times, scary right?

Gain Clarity In Your Business And Increase Your

Income and Impact in 2023.

Starting and running a business is an adventure – sometimes exhilarating, and other times scary right?

Experience as an OT Business Consultant — distilled down into one high-powered  assessment tool.

Here’s where you get honest with yourself as an OT business owner:

  • Are you prepared to rise to success as an OT entrepreneur and Get Paid?
  • Do you know where to focus your attention so you can increase your clarity, profit, and impact – or are you being pulled in every direction?
  • Do you wonder about what real-life looks like for a successful OT CEO?
I'm Done Feeling Scattered

The OT’s Get Paid Quiz is like an on-demand OT business consulting session!


 🔎 Discover the stage of business growth you’re in.

📈 Increase your profit – this is not a hobby – you want a business.

💎 Increase your clarity – get out of overwhelm so you can sleep at night.

💥 Increase your impact – you improve lives for your clients, the world, and your own family.

We know you don’t feel like you have time to plan, strategize, and dream about how to change your business. You’re busy! We’ve been there too. You also know you can’t start treatment without a good assessment – you’re an OT!

You know assessments are powerful, so apply that knowledge to your business – you may be surprised by what you learn and how fast you can take off. 🚀

The OTs Get Paid Quiz is only 13 questions. You’ll be done in a snap.

Quick, easy, and dare I say fun… let me know if you agree after you take the quiz!