For OT entrepreneurs with a private practice, service, or online product, this is your place to find community, resources, and support.
Stick around and find yourself…

Moving Forward

Make greater impact

Make more money

Hey OT Entrepreneurs!
Here's why this work matters
Ever feel like you can EITHER help people OR make money… but not both...
And a lot of OTs feel this way. But we need to kick that idea to the curb. It might seem counter-intuitive but...
Here’s what I want you, as an OT entrepreneur to hear: You can love what you do, serve others, AND make money.
Actually, making money ends up increasing your impact. (Yup, research proves women use their money to uplift their teams, families, and community).
I think we can all agree, OT pay inequity is a long-time professional issue. Thinking even bigger, pay discrepancy is a societal issue related to the undervaluing of women and other disadvantaged groups. This is especially highlighted in female-dominated professions like OT.
I’m here to say enough is enough, this needs to change. And I’m putting my money on brave and talented OT CEOs.
Are you ready to make it happen with me?
Here’s the next thing: building personal and business revenue and wealth requires you to think differently — as a woman* and as an OT.
This means recognizing and pushing back against narratives that prevent you from stepping into your full power as a female entrepreneur.
*To clarify, by women, I mean anyone who identifies or has lived experiences as a woman. All are welcome here.
It starts with:
💥 Moving past your comfort zone -- nope, feeling scared doesn’t need to stop you from doing new things
💥 Finding your confidence -- nope, that’s not arrogance
Prioritize yourself -- nope, it’s not being selfish or greedy
💥 Know the facts behind making money -- nope, you don’t need to keep those patterns of money-breaking decisions.

It's more than just the $$ signs
I want you to experience the transformation that comes from getting paid what you’re worth.
Money in your bank account:
Cue The Ultra Big Mission of Trish Williams Consulting!
Our mission is to empower OTs to claim their financial freedom as strong women* CEOs by growing and scaling their businesses
We teach you how to: market with integrity, price for profit, plan strategically, and make more money — without burnout, overwhelm, or feeling guilty about getting paid.
We’re driven by the belief that cash flow is the path to impact (and respect). Our community of OTs understands wealth is not just about money for yourself. Rather, it’s a resource to better your team, family, and community. Together we’re leaning into money conversations and addressing limiting beliefs to break free from societal limitations women face – especially in helping professions.
*To clarify, by women, I mean anyone who identifies or has lived experiences as a woman. All are welcome here.
The Values that Drive Our Company

We walk our talk.
We put our words into action. That starts by uplifting female-led business with a percentage of our revenue.

We work with intention
Whether putting out content or running a group, it’s always for a reason and we don’t shy away from a deep dive on topics that matter.

We walk alongside
We’re not above, we’re figuring it out with you. Together we grow, take risks, and learn.

We are more than a business - we are a movement
Our community stands together to better the lives of others.

We are in the business of transformation
We only take on clients when we know our work together will produce clear and life-changing results.. We see each person as an individual and give you tailored solutions.

Our future vision drives change for you today
We will leave the profession better than we found it for OT entrepreneurs

Hey there! I’m Trish.
CEO and Founder at TWC
Each obstacle I’ve overcome has made me ready for this work!
I'm a warm, outspoken, driven Canadian OT turned business coach with a passion for helping other OT entrepreneurs build a profitable and lasting business.
I have been an OT for 27 years and built two successful businesses. Whether you’re looking for biz coaching related to an OT practice or an outside-the-box idea. I’ve got you covered.
I draw from a wealth of experiences from my 10 years as the owner of a bricks-and-mortar clinic, Spring OT. Meaning I understand those very maddeningly specific business questions unique to OT practice.
I get what it's like to have aspirations outside of the clinical setting. In the pursuit of leveraged offers that could impact more OTs, I launched an online summit, built a coaching program, and developed my own VIP Day. That’s right, I have the experience to help you bring your great idea to life as a money-making machine.
My #1 goal is to lay it all on the table to empower you with the tools and resources you need. It’s time for you to step out from under frustration, overwhelm, and feelings of unworthiness into your power as a leader, change-maker, and successful business owner.
I spent years as an entrepreneur working IN my business instead of ON my business, and I now know (and can share!) the benefits of truly embodying a CEO lifestyle.
I’ve done a lot of growing (and it never truly ends) and unlocked keys to success in business and in life.
In a distinctly OT way.
Speed Round:
The Overlap of Biz and Life
>> Splurge Spend: It’s a tie between my peloton and my over-the-top luxurious scarves.
>> Outsourcing Glory: Getting groceries delivered is da-bomb. Saves me time and I don’t have to change out of my house pants.
>> Official Results: I confirmed coaching was in my zone of genius. According to Clifton Strengths Finder: I’m a superstar in Individualization, Activator, Achiever, Strategic and Futurist.
That means I’m good at personalizing, getting action, helping people achieve, and figuring out a plan with the future in mind. Yup, that’s a good recipe for a coach.
>> Big Why: My people, my kids… that’s the reason I do this work and strive to make my own business profitable. I rest easy knowing I’ve got the essentials and the “extras” covered.
And I dream they’re inspired to pursue their passions, and make good money along the way.
>> Defeat to Triumph: During Covid, I had to make the hard decision to close my pediatric practice, Spring OT. It was a biz decision that made sense but felt like a defeat. But that wasn’t the end of the story.
Not only did I successfully expand my coaching business, one year later, I hit a payday when I sold my already-closed OT practice. Yup, at that moment, I officially felt like a badass CEO who makes things happen.

Sharing Money and Business Knowledge with OTs Everywhere
I use the microphone of the OTs Get Paid Podcast to encourage OTs to overcome money-making challenges and embrace the dynamic relationship between value and dollars. In each episode, we dive in (like Scrooge McDuck and his pile of gold coins) to money-making conversations.
LISTEN TO THE LATEST EPISODESAnd for OT Enterpreneurs Ready for More Direct Support
And let’s be real here, there’s a lot to learn when it comes to being a CEO (It’s definitely not covered in OT school). Don’t try to figure this out alone with freebies, Google, and late-night worry sessions.
Secret 💥 -- pretty much all successful entrepreneurs in other industries get coaching. And we’ve got some catching up to do. So let’s shorten that learning curve and get you straight to living a vibrant CEO life.